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Articulation or Phonological disorders include patterns of substitutions of sounds in words. An example of this may include substituting /r/ for /w/ or “uh” sound (wed vs. red, watuh vs. water), substituting /l/ for /w/ lion vs. wion, substituting /k/ and /g/ for /t/ and /d/ car vs. tar, go vs. do. Articulation disorders may also include a frontal lisp which is exhibited when there is tongue protrusion and a lateral lisp which demonstrates incorrect airflow and sounds like slushy speech. We also address difficulty with overall intelligibility or difficulty understanding your child. According to standardized norms: A child should be intelligible ● 25% of the time by 18 months ● 50% of the time by 2 years ● 75% of the time by 3 years ● 90-100% of the time by 4 years


Apraxia disorders are classified as a motor speech disorder. Apraxia of speech varies from articulation disorders as apraxia has the following characteristics: ● Difficulty with saying sounds or words the same repeatedly ● Difficulty with vowels and misarticulates/distorts vowels ● CAS is a rare motor speech disorder, occurring in only 1-2 children per 1,000. ● Assessments and therapy include an in depth process to address any underlying motor speech difficulties.

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● Receptive Language includes what a child understands. This may be demonstrated through pointing and identifying language concepts, following directions and/or commands, and comprehension of spoken or written langauage. ● Expressive Language includes how a child communicates including verbalizing, signing, gesturing, babbling, using jargon, AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) devices or a mixture of these using total communication. ● Pragmatic Language/Social Language includes various types of play (functional play, symbolic play, solitary play, onlooker play, parallel play, pretend play), joint attention, greeting others, and engaging in conversations appropriately. ● 18 months- uses 10 words (milestone) uses 50 words (average), identifies familiar pictures and objects, engages in pretend play ● 2 years- 200-300 word vocabulary, understands and follows directios, uses 2-3 word phrases ● 3 years- 900+word vocabulary, understands 2 step directions, uses 3-4 word sentences


Stuttering vs. Normal Disfluencies Normal disfluencies occur when a child or even an adult is searching for the correct word or idea and instead of fluency speech there may be a pause, stopping or saying umm. Stuttering may include ● Part Word Repetitions-repeating part of a word ○ Ex: My da-da-da-dog is white and brown. ● Whole Word Repetitions-repeating whole words ○ Ex: My my my dog is white and brown. ● Prolongations-prolonging a sound ○ Ex: My dog is wwwwwhite and brown. ● Interjections-inserting Um or uh ○ Ex: My um my um um dog is um um white and brown. ● Blocks- when an individual tries to say a word but has a long pause and can not say the word they want to ○ Ex: (Pause...) My dog is white and brown.


We travel to and provide therapy in The Woodlands, Magnolia, Conroe, Spring and Cypress areas in the following locations:






  • MAGNOLIA CLINIC(506 Honea Egypt Magnolia, TX 77316)  

  • CYPRESS CLINIC (17774 Cypress Rosehill Rd. Cypress, TX 77429)

Insurance and Payment

We are in network with BCBS. We also take private pay clients. If you have a different insurance we would be happy to give you a superbill. A superbill is similar to a receipt you submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

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